Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Death Penalty

I think that death penalty should be allowed because it prevents the citizen that committed the crime from getting out and being able to go commit another crime. Though the death penalty costs alot of money i feel that the government should be able to put a person that committed a crime to death depending on the crime and the intensity of it. I feel that capital punishment is an effective deterrent because it teaches other citizens that if you commit a crime than you will be put to death depending on the severity of the crime. I feel that the biggest benefit of the Death Penalty is knowing that as a citizen you are safer when the citizen that committed the crime is in jail or put to death and that you do not have to worry about them being in your community, depending on the state you live in. I was surprised on how much the average cost of keeping a citizen in jail for one year is so expensive.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insanity Defense

I believe that the ability to plead insanity is not a good law, in a case that the citizen has commited murder i do not believe that the citizen should be able to plead insanity, the person that commited the crime should not be able to plead insanity because in order to be able to commit murder you have to know what is going on during that time unless it is a "heat of passion" crime.
No, i think that in criminal cases the commiter should not be able to plead insanity because in most cases the commiter has planned out the crime for a period of time and in order to go through with the crime, especially if the commiter has a past record in crime. Insanity is constituted by having a psychiatrist look at the patients history and check if they have any background of insanity and make them go through multiple tests so they can not fake there plead.
My opinion on the Andrea Yates case is that if she is able to kill all five of her children then she should not be able to go away from the facility she is in i dont care if its only during the day or to see her family, i believe she should be in a higher level mental facility in order to make sure she is taking her medicine and doing the right things she should be doing.